All materials owned by the library are classified and organized in accordance with KDC (Korean Decimal Classification) for the efficient use.
A unique application code along with a classification code is given to each material and all materials are arranged in order of application codes (special arrangement code, classification code, book code, etc.)on the bookshelves, from left to right and from top to bottom, and user can search any materials from Search Material menu on the library homepage to find the location of such materials and collect them from the relevant bookshelves.
Go to to access the library homepage.
Types of search service
General search
You can search all materials owned by the library at present, including monographies, serial publications, theses, new arrivals, media materials, and news indexes, by various search options, such as signature, writer, title, signature keyword, writer keyword, all keywords, publisher, ISBN, ISSN, LCCN, registration number, classification number, application code, and bibliographic code.
Search of index
Since indexes relevant to a word entered are displayed and searchable, you can refer to the access point that is currently constructed when searching materials.
Search of media
You can search nonbook materials, such as videos, cassette tapes, or DVDs.
Search of news index
You can search serial publications that are regularly being published as well as news indexes on collections of theses of the university and such.
Search of the original text
You can search the original text by selecting a bibliography accompanied with the original text after searching a bibliographic material and clicking Read the Original Text option (the original text of materials published by and theses of the university is searchable).
¡Ø Install Acrobat Reader before trying to read the original text. Immediate installation > To install >
Search of new arrivals
You can search newly arrived materials by publication year, language, title classification, type of material, search date, and the recent several months.
Search of requested materials
You can see the processing state of materials you have requested to purchase on the internet. You can search them by limiting search items and date of request.
How to search materials
Select items to search materials with.
The name of organization is set as Kunsan National University and you can also search materials owned by other organizations.
You can search all materials via General Search by selecting items, such as serial publication, thesis, or news index.
Search will search for it by right do the cutting, so signature, a search code (~) needs to be entered after a search word for thoroughly corresponding search.
You can perform a combination search, using and, or, and not.
Entering (e.g.) Kunsan National University in Signature searches all materials starting with Kunsan National University.
You can find out the condition and location of books by directly clicking on Brief Bibliography searched or See the Detailed Page on top of the list and, in case of serial publications, you also can find out the condition of serial publications marked with a registration number by clicking on Registration Number and see the check-in information by clicking Edition Mark Information. You can also see a brief bibliography of news articles by clicking on Edition Mark with a link.